Our mission is to wholly trust in God, transform our personal life, join into ministry, actively invite family and friends, give with a big heart, serve the community, and promote love. We aspire to create a community of worshippers from diverse walks of life while unifying to celebrate our Kinsman Redeemer, Jesus Christ.
We believe God’s Word kindles Divine gifts within all.
Goodwill Missionary Baptist Church rich spiritual tradition stretches from the 1800s. Between June 19th and December 31st, 1865, God inspired Isreal Flewellen, A. T. Arnold, James Searcy, Joshua Green, Silas Osborne, Thomas Benton, Addie Walker, Elmira Osborne, Victoria Seaton, Saul Bivens, Mary Ewing, Louisa Hall, Sarah Pollard, Mamie Moore, and other brothers and sisters to begin worshipping together. According to knowledge, the first meeting place was a brush arbor located by Jackson Creek on the Hutchinson farm which is modernly known as Levi Rogers farm.
Within the congregation’s tradition, there has been several building projects. On February 23rd, 1880, Isreal Flewellen and A. T. Arnold purchased 1 acre of land from Mrs. Margaret McDonald and built the first building for Goodwill Baptist Church. After a span of years, on September 4th, 1920, the congregation met and decided that it was time for a second building plan which begin October 26th of that year. Then, on December 27th,1934, a third deed was executed for the building a third edifice. During the 1960s, the church was remodeled which the process began with signed deed on October 7th, 1963. Finally, July of 1979, the congregation built a fourth building which on August 18th, 2004 an addition of a separate cafeteria was built.
Goodwill’s tradition isn’t secluded to spiritual growth. The church extended assistance to the community to train youth academically. Hence, the start of a public school within the Goodwill community. On May 30th, 1895, the contract was signed for a teacher, Mr. George P. Isaacsm. As result, classes were held in the first church building. August 4th, 1913, Thomas Elliot, Sol Bivens, Tom Benton, Josh Gardner, Andrew Arnold, and Richard Lockett purchased a ½ acre of land for purpose of building Goodwill Public School within Washington County. Then, on May 10th, 1952, Goodwill Rural Jr. High School District trustees (R. W. Lockett, James Gates, Tomray Bowden, Freaik Richardson, Robert Bemks, Charles Flewellen and Israel Lacy) purchased ½ tract of land on westside of the church’s property. Secondly, throughout the years, the church outreached to the local community through a charitable ministry for helping the sick; whereby the needy were financially assisted. Therefore, the fund became known as the “Goodwill Benevolent Relief Fund.” Finally, Dr. J. M. Franklin concluded that there was a need for a burial ground, and on December 3rd, 1943, 4 1/2 acres of land was given to the church’s care.
Goodwill’s congregants experienced great leadership from men within the office deaconship. Additionally, from members acting as a trustee and other positions within the church. They are as follows: T. Benton, I. Flewellen, C. Gardner, A. T. Arnold, E. Brown, M. J. Basey, T. Elliot, J. Gardner, Sr., P. A. Rogers, J. Shepard, H. Franklin, W. Shaw, T. Elliot, W. Kemp Jr., T. Hall, H. Jones, T. Ewing, G. Walker, H. Gardner, S. Rogers, D. E. Bolton, W. Hall, T. Erving, E. Bowden, B. Franklin, C. Walker, L. Rogers, H. Hall, J. Howard, and K. Johnson.
Over a century and half, Goodwill’s pastoral legacy continues to inspire those hearing the Gospel of Christ through gentlemen who God gave to the church. They answered the call and challenge of Christ to Peter: “Feed my sheep…” Therefore, according to known record, these men are as follows: B. Johnson, J. Ellis, Booker, B. Connaly, Leaks, Southern, Harris, A. Branch, A. Evans, J. Taylor, C. Holmes, S. Adam, J. Davis, S. Charles, A. Goins, C. Gamer, C. Garner, A. Johnson, H. Fletcher, V. Walker, G. Frey, and F. Williams.
While the ministry of Goodwill MBC was severely tried with a natural and spiritual flooding in May of 2017, our God raised up a standard (Isa. 59: 19). The service and work of Goodwill MBC continue to thrive as leaders such as Elder J. Milam, Elder T. Sullivan, Elder L. Houser, Deacon T. Hunt, Deacon R. Randle, Deacon J. Howard, Deacon M. Watts, Deaconess C. Milam, Deaconess L. Franklin, Deaconess J. Ray, and additionally, Pastor K. Mitchell as demonstrated in years past. Job 1:21 declares, "the Lord can give and take away; yet, blessed be the name of the Lord." As the congregation lost a sanctuary in 2016, the Lord has given another. Whereby, the congregants and community may bless the Lord with all their soul.
PO Box 100
Brenham, TX 77834
Tuesday & Wednesday are determined by weekly announcements during Sunday's service